As I begin my
re-watch of Community’s short-but-absolutely-flawless three seasons, I have to
take a moment and address the most annoying part about being an ultra-fan of
this show.
No, it’s not
the fact that Community is low-rated and very dimly watched.
No, it isn’t
the fact that it was only renewed for a 13-episode 4th season nor is
it the fact that it was pushed from the Thursday night comedy lineup and into
the Friday night television graveyard (although don’t get me started on this).
No, it isn’t
the fact that Dan Harmon, the flaw-free genius behind it all, was recently
fired and booted from running his own
show (again, a rant for another time).
It is, alas,
the ship wars. And I ain’t talking about Battleship,
you go on
any kind of fansite or Tumblr or even Community's Facebook page there's a
whole nonsensical argument about whether you're "Team Jeff/Annie" or
"Team Jeff/Britta." You can't get away from the animated gif sets and
the fancy fan art of Abed and Annie falling in love or Troy and Britta
giving each other "meaningful" glances. I get it; I understand you, fans, I really do, and I'm not trying to take anything away from you. In fact, a majority of this post will be my thoughts on said pairings and why they would or wouldn't, theoretically, "work." Like I said- too many feelings.
But y'all also have to see where I'm coming from- this is an ensemble cast, much like most of the TV shows are today. So pairing people off takes the focus off the group as a whole and, frankly, it drives me up a wall. So pop some popcorn, set up your blanket fort and really get settled, because this isn't going to be fun, easy, or safe (did you catch all the references I made in that one sentence? You're welcome.).
Jeff and Annie
I'm going to start with Jeff and Annie, mainly because I feel like this is the most popular "ship" (also, this term is stupid, but to fit in, I'm going to use it anyway). Jeff (played by the incomparable Joel McHale) and Annie (portrayed by the lovely and hilarious Alison Brie) are just... ugh. I get why people would like this pairing, I honestly do. It's every girl's dream to go to college and have the cool, hot, popular guy notice them, especially if this cool, hot, popular guy is Joel McHale. They always have these accidentally romantic scenes, as pictured above ^; he's storming out of the cafeteria and just happens to stumble upon her outside, they're sitting in a collapsing blanket fort and it just happens to fall on them, making them land all cutesy with their heads together, he seems to think very highly of her and comments that disappointing her would be like "choking the Little Mermaid with a bike chain" blah blah blah.
But in reality, as cutesy and accidentally romantic as they are, the age difference is astounding and not the only boundary in their way. First of all, she was eighteen when the show started and he was somewhere in his thirties. Ew. That's just too Dateline NBC for me, I'm sorry. No one ever comments on their age difference, but in the second season when Annie develops a crush on good ol' Dr. Rich, a guy around the same age as Jeff, everyone seems to think it's scandalous, especially Mr. Too-Old himself, Jeff Winger. It makes no sense, but eh, I guess it can be overlooked, right?
Secondly, and my main point beside the age difference, is the fact that they turn into completely different people when they're with each other, and not in a good way. Jeff turns into a father figure which is super creepy and Annie turns into this whiny, "Why can't you chaaaaaange?" version of herself which drives me to ripping my hair out. He spends most of his time scolding her as if, again, she was his daughter and she, in her own words, thinks Jeff "should be proud of how much [she] changed him." Um, Annie? You're trolling yourself, hun.
All in all, I can see the appeal. Two hot people who've been emotionally damaged and have an opposites-attract relationship? Hmm, believable. I just don't see it going very far. Look at it this way- Annie grew up in the nineties. By then, Jeff must've been at least through high school. Ew.
Jeff and Britta
So these two... eh. I find them hilarious as friends, and especially when they're uniting to tear others down like those bitchy teenagers, but in relationship mode? No thanks. Look at that picture. The only time Jeff and Britta (played by the fabulous Gillian Jacobs) aren't bitching at each other is when they're tearing someone down or, like pictured above, physically unable to do so. This pairing is slightly less popular than the aforementioned Jeff pairing, but has the support of show creator Dan Harmon, so way to go, Jeff/Britta fans! You and Dan are actively supporting one hell of a hot-mess relationship.
Oh Jeff and Britta... I don't even know where to start with these two. I'll start with my ability to see the appeal, which is pretty clear. I get it, guys; the whole reason Jeff made the study group was to get into Britta's pants. Classy. And romantic! But I do see where you're coming from; if anything's been proven over the past three years, it's that Jeff holds his friendship with Britta as one of his highest regards which, I have to admit, is pretty mature for a egotistical maniac like himself. Some of the different little moments they've had I actually enjoyed- the fake weddings were hilarious and finding out they were having sex all second season? Totally called that one, so you didn't pull the wool over my eyes, Dan. ;)
But now you have to see where I'm coming from- these two are so messed up. There is absolutely no way they could survive a normal relationship, let alone start one. Jeff clearly has some deeply rooted self-esteem issues we learned about last and this season, as well as the strong issues with his father that we're hopefully going to see resolved in the upcoming season(s). Britta, though we don't know the full extent of them, clearly has some issues of her own; as Abed says, "she cuts and runs" when things get tough and, if you've done a little snooping- as I have only because it was pointed out to me on Tumblr- you'll find that Abed counseling her in the season finale about her life wasn't a joking, ha-ha play on her life. She was molested as a child and her father took the guy's side. Nice, right?
So these poor fools have been through some serious shit and I have absolutely no faith in a relationship ever crystallizing between them. Personally, I think as time goes on and they figure out their own lives, they'll need each other more as friends rather than romantic partners just for support because for some reason, I just feel like they're the only two that get each other, you know? But romantically? Please. They're too damaged and too brother-sister-y to form one of those. Sorry Jeff/Britta fans. I really am. =P
Abed and Annie
Abed and Annie weren't even a romantic possibility, I thought, until randomly last season. Annie and Abed (played by the fantastic Danny Pudi) were always just kind of having these background moments- a touch here, a walk together there- until last paintball when they locked lips under orange paint and aliases Han Solo and Princess Leia. And that's when the internet went crazy. People were reblogging gifs of that kiss left and right, they were pointing out the most mundane actions between the two in the show's history, they were posting pictures of Alison and Danny hanging out and writing captions like, "Annie and Abed forever! <3" Like guys... Calm down. Although I do have to agree that Danny and Alison have the most adorable friendship ever. Like, don't even question it.
Anyway, since when did Annie and Abed have a shot at love (with Tila Tequila...)? It virtually came out of nowhere and although I do see the appeal, because she's like this adorable girl and he's an adorable guy and they'd be adorable, I can't help but wonder if this would actually work. There is undoubtedly the issue of Abed's unknown mental state, and I'm not talking sanity, here. It's been hinted at many times that he may have Asperger's Syndrome, but has never fully been addressed. Also, with Annie's confusing love history- Troy/Jeff/Vaughn/Rich/Abed- how is anyone supposed to know if her "feelings" for Abed are real?
I don't know, though. This ship is definitely growing on me and I'm trying my hardest to stay unbiased because once you start shipping a couple, BAM. You get hit by a bus. No, I'm joking, but the moments between that couple become the only things you see. And after that, can you really ever enjoy the show as an ensemble again? Exactly. So although Annie and Abed came out of nowhere, this ship seems to be growing in popularity. Watch out.
Troy and Britta
I'm going to try and be as unbiased about this as possible, but this is the only ship I truly, truly despise and I still don't know why.
Before you get all Pierce on my and shout allegations of racism, back it up shorty. My father's black (among other things) and my mother's white (among other things), so it's clearly not that. Also, surprise! It's 2012 not 1856, so welcome to a brand new world where race doesn't matter. I love Gillian, I love Donald Glover, I love and Troy and Britta separately but I absolutely HATE them together. I'm trying to see the appeal, and I guess I kind of see it? They're like the other Jeff and Annie, the not as well written version, where Britta becomes the annoying school girl and Troy becomes the at times verbally abusive but still manly asshole? I don't know. That's the impression I get when I cringe watching these two together.
I just... can't get on board this ship (ha ha, so punny, right?). They're annoying. From the moment they kissed under false pretenses last year, I knew they were going to be a thorn in Community's side. But they somehow gained a loyal following anyway? Where did they come from and why? These two have never been given well-written scenes together, so I don't blame the poor portrayal of this relationship on Gillian and Donald, because hey, they act out what they're given. They've just been badly represented and although that could change, I don't think I could grow to like them. And that's me being stubborn and immature but you know what? This is my blog. I'll say what I want. =P
S.S. Troy and Britta- I hope you sink to the bottom of the awful-ship ocean. Good riddance.
Troy and Annie
Two words for this ship- What. Happened?
I mean seriously, this girl has a huuuuuge crush on this guy for YEARS, finds out that not only is she going to the same college as him, but they're in the same study group, and then absolutely nothing happens? I honestly don't even have anything to say about these two because over the course of three seasons, these two have had, what? Two, three scenes together? And the one I've pictured isn't even one of them, because Britta's behind that door Annie's guarding and Abed's in the apartment, too. Oh goodness. I actually enjoyed the tiny, tiny arc we got with these two and then it was ripped away from us. Oh well. Rest in Peace, Troy and Annie. I hope someday soon Troy and Britta joins you.
So that's pretty much it. Basically, I understand completely why people feel the need to "ship" two characters together, make sappy gif sets, write fan fictions blah blah blah. But seriously, can you not infiltrate everything with your nonsense? You have every right to love a pairing just as I have every right NOT to.
Community's an ensemble cast. Stop taking the focus away from that and enjoy what the writers give us! Basically, watch the show, keep the shipper feelings to yourself, and shut your mouth. =)