Hello again! So there are like, 71 or 72 episodes of Community in total, so I guess I should get a move on with this if I don't want it to take up my whole summer. And so we continue!
1x04- Social Psychology
Episode Rundown- The fourth episode of the first season instigated one of the most awesome friendships on Community- Jeff and Shirley. Also, the introduction of the amazing character of Vaughn. So Jeff and Shirley walk the same way after Spanish class, but Jeff avoids her everyday, explaining to Britta that he can't take that much of her. Britta, Miss High and Mighty, tells him he's being mean, that Shirley's very easy to talk to, and that she's really glad he's not hitting on her anymore. We find out why later. Anyway, eventually Jeff can't avoid Shirley any longer and the two awkwardly amble to class. They eventually bond over their mutual affliction to gossip. Uh oh! Secrets don't make friends! Well, in this case, they did...
Annie is taking Psych 101 and gets into Duncan's special lecture, "The Duncan Principle," in which she's supposed to bring two human subjects. She asks the group, all of whom turn her down except for Troy, who wants "butt stuff." Odd boy, that one. Annie eventually convinces Abed to come too, even though he was really excited about the Indiana Jones film festival. So excited, in fact, he bought a whip. Could he be more adorable? Anyway, it's the waiting game experiment- keep telling the subjects the experiment is going to start in 5 minutes and see how long they wait before they crack. They all break down and freak out until finally, it's just Abed left. Hmm...
Shirley and Jeff continue to make fun of people, especially Vaughn, Britta's new flame, until they see the two of them making out on the grass. Classy, folks. So he's all dejected, leaning against a soda machine and he and Britta talk it out afterwards. But Jeff can't take being one of the girls, especially when Britta shows him the poem Vaughn wrote her. He takes a picture of it, shows it to Shirley who shows it to the group, and of course, in typical shit hitting the fan fashion, Vaughn and Britta enter the room and all hell breaks loose. Obviously Vaughn breaks up with Britta and Jeff feels awful about it (kind of), but he and Britta end things on a good note- they're still friends. Maybe more than that? Shirley tells him Britta had a sex dream about him. He still has a chance! Rejoice! =P
26 hours later and Abed is still sitting in the exam room. Annie tells him it's only going to be a couple more minutes and he says, "Okie dokie." Sigh. Duncan flips out, throws a tantrum, and blames Annie for warping "The Duncan Principle." She, in a fit of anger, yells at Abed to go home and then angrily asks, the next day in study group, "You sat in a room for 26 straight hours! Didn't that bother you?" Abed says, "Yeah I was livid." And when Annie asks why he didn't leave, he responds, "Because you asked me to stay and you said we were friends." AWWW! So cute, I can't even. To apologize for her rash behavior, Annie buys Abed the first three Indiana Jones movies, "because the fourth one blows," and Abed tells her they're still friends. So cute!
The ending tag for this episode was so, so funny. Troy and Abed are sitting on a couch in the study room, staring through a window and making fun of all the people on the other side, assuming they can't hear them. When Jeff walks through, they begin to make fun of him too, until he turns, calls them out on it, and says, "I can hear you through the window, morons." Troy and Abed turn to find the other people they were previously ragging on staring at them unhappily and Troy's solution? "Just pretend like you're sleeping. Just pretend like you're asleep." Classic.
What Was Great
~ Vaughn. The way he says hello three times, how he always says "No worries!", how he never wears shoes or a shirt. Love. him.
~ The Shirley and Jeff friendship. They're so much fun, I love it. Making fun of everyone reminds me of myself and my friends. That's all we ever do. =P
~ Vaughn's "tiny nipples" lol. So great.
~ Annie's entire storyline. I love Abed's adorableness, I love Troy's freak out, I love when she's like, "Oh that's so0o0o0o hilarious! Did you think of that the last time you skipped a trip to the dentist?!" Hysterical.
~ Introduction of Garrett!
~ The tag. Oh my god. "I think it's time for burning maaaan," "Ooh! I'm Sadaam Hussein! Ooh!" "Nice to meet you, duuuude." "Oh wow, I love reading and being a Desperate Housewife," "Ey mon, comin through, I love de Desperate Housewives!" So funny. I can't handle it.
~ Basically everything.
What Wasn't So Great
~ The episode started with Chang. =P
I would give this episode a 9 out of 10. Seriously. It's that good. <3
1x05- Advanced Criminal Law
Episode Rundown- This episode is the first time we got to see Jeff as a lawyer-in-action and it was fabulous. Okay, there's an A, a B, and a C story in this episode, so I'll just do a paragraph on each. The A-story, the main story, is Jeff acting as Britta's lawyer after she gets a disciplinary hearing for cheating on a Spanish test. There are some fantastic lines and scenes in this story, but the best is, when they get a ten-minute recess in the locker room, when Britta accuses Jeff of only being her lawyer because he wants to sleep with her, not because he wants to be her friend. He says, "Britta look at me. Look at me! No, look how handsome my face is! If I all I wanted was sex, I could get it from plenty of women without having to go through all this crap!" Hilarious, but he's got a point. ;) Anyway, she launches into this tirade about how she's so used to being worthless, she cheated on purpose because she doesn't think she can succeed. Crazy. Which is why, when they go back to court (which is in the pool, by the way), Jeff defense is insanity. And he wins; Britta's case is adjourned with her only punishment being therapy with Duncan. Hurray!!
The B-story involves Annie and Pierce. Annie's head of the school song committee (what school actually has this...?) and gives Pierce the role of coming up with Greendale's first original school song. He has an awful time with this and keeps using tunes of actual songs ("Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," for one). Eventually, he gives up and tells Annie he quits, which she doesn't accept, giving an amazing speech and telling him, "Life is tough, but we soldier on and that's just the way it goes!" Pierce, inspired by this, writes Greendale's school song and displays it when the Dean (love him, LOVE HIM) exhibits the statue of Greendale alum Luis Guzman. However... he used the tune to some song by Bruce Hornsby. Oh Pierce. Will he ever learn?
The C-story is with Troy and Abed. Troy starts messing with Abed and "lying as a joke," but gullible Abed believes everything he tells him, because he's never had anyone mess with him before. In a way to get Troy back, Abed pretends to be an alien, writing in weird font and symbols, jumping over things, and making weird sounds with his tongue. He even rents a green screen to talk to his "commander," which is really just himself wearing antennae and using a deeper voice. Troy, fed up with the nonsense, tells him, "It would be less creepy if you WERE actually an alien!" They agree to stop messing with each other, do their special handshake, and continue on as friends. Aww!
The ending tag was definitely odd. Abed and Troy are trying to see how many pencils they can fit in their mouths. Oh jeez...
What Was Great
~ The Dean- everything about this man makes him fabulous. I love the things he says, the things he does... Just great.
~ Jeff as a lawyer- he's so adorable when he's in the zone. And skinny tie! Shout out to The Soup!
~ Annie and Pierce's friendship- they're just cute and it makes sense why later he says she's his favorite. She's been the only one who's ever nice to him.
~ Britta- she was pretty great in this episode. First confessing she was the cheater, which made us think she was being the hero in saving her peers. Then actually being the cheater, which was kind of shocking. Then her reason why was pretty sad. Great character development.
What Wasn't So Great
~ The tag was kind of boring. Not as good as the previous episode's.
~ Too much Chang. There. I said it.
~ I wasn't a huge fan of the C-story. Troy and Abed are adorable, but the alien thing? Eh.
Overall, I would give this episode a seven out of ten. Great, but not fantastic.
1x06- Football, Feminism, and You
Episode Rundown- This episode, again, had an A, a B, and a C story, so we'll break it down again. Abed promises to "lay low for an episode," because Jeff tells him he treats them too much like characters on a TV show, so he's hardly in the episode. But the A story involves Troy struggling with Jeff trying to get him to play football for Greendale (only because the Dean's blackmailing him with ridiculous posters of him) and studying with Annie for astronomy (only because she's infatuated with him and wants to spend as much time as possible). Greatest exchange ever (until this point at least) happens while they're on the football field. That'll be in my greatest moments for sure. Anyway, he agrees to play football much to Annie's disappointment and tells Jeff to loosen up and take a pottery class or something. Coincidentally, he'll take one later in the season. Hmm.
The B story involves Shirley and Britta, the former trying to teach the latter how to become more feminine, which Britta clearly isn't. It involves something very simple- girls go to the bathroom in groups. But when Britta does go, she does everything wrong, in Shirley's opinion. She listens to Shirley's story about a stranger pissing her off and takes the stranger's side, she has nothing to offer but calls Shirley a robot because she wants a makeover, etc. They solve things by Britta agreeing to open up and then later counseling Annie when she comes in the bathroom crying over Troy. She feels super accomplished when she makes Annie feel better and the girls rejoice. Yay bathroom buddies!
The C story includes Pierce and the Dean trying to come up with a new school mascot for Greendale. They used to be the Greendale Grizzlies, but, as the Dean says, "Some of these students have been called animals their entire lives..." and so he changes it to the Human Beings. They make a color wheel of skin types and a board of stereotypes to stay away from; as Jeff says, "I think not being racist is the new racism..." They finally come up with it; the Human Being is a tall, skinny person (still not sure if it's a man or a woman, three years later) in a gray unitard with Sharpie-markered eyes, nose, and mouth. So. Weird.
This episode's tag was Abed and Troy breaking into the main office so they could make ridiculous announcements. Then they ran into security officers that looked exactly like them Say whaaaat?
What Was Great
~ Troy's back story- I loved learning about his background. It was so interesting!
~ The color wheel- "It goes from Seal to Seal's teeth!"
~ Annie emerging from a bush to follow Jeff. Hilarious.
~ Troy's rap! "Hip hop, body don't stop. Riverside got the broom, don't need a mop. Put your team in a box, put a ribbon on top. We're not John Kerry, cause we don't flip flop! Bing bong, sing along. Your team's Al Gore cause your views are wrong!" Oh my god, so funny.
~ Troy and Jeff in the football field: "That's racist!" Absolute perfection.
~ The reveal of the Human Being. Love it.
What Wasn't So Great
~ The B story was meh. Not fabulous.
~ Jeff making Annie cry in public. She's a kid! Although the lines were hilarious when it happened...
~ The tag was kind of lame...
All in all, this episode earns a 7 out of 10 stars for me. I loved a lot of it and wasn't a fan of only a few pieces. Well done!
More later!
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