We're really cooking now, folks! We've made it to the halfway mark! We're midway through the first season! Crazy, huh? Well, no sense in small talk. Let's keep going, Human Beings! Episodes 13, 14, and 15 are waiting to be commented on!
1x13- Investigative Journalism
Meanwhile Jeff joins the school paper and appoints Annie as his star reporter. He regrets doing this when she finds out the Dean was involved in racial profiling and reporting this would, of course, jeopardize his position. They have an argument over her running the story, but eventually she doesn't and all is resolved. Yeah. It's a pretty dull episode, to say the least.
The tag was basically Troy and Abed trying out to for "the cool group" and being denied. Same thing goes for Pierce. Meh.
What Was Great
~ The beginning joke where Buddy says he doesn't want to throw the group off their natural- then it goes to the opening credits- rhythm... I laughed so hard.
~ "Spanish Studying is better when you're Buddy-ing!"
~ "Annie's pretty young. We try not to sexualize her."
~ Finding out Sr. Chang died- YAYYYY.
~ Gary! "He is a buzzkill" "He grew up in a land without sun!"
What Wasn't So Great
~ Jack Black. Meh.
~ The episode in general.
~ The tag. Laaaame.
I would give this episode a six out of ten. It didn't really do it for me, sorry friends...
1x14- Interpretive Dance
Episode Rundown- This episode was adorable and proved that Troy and Britta are great as friends and do not have to be romantic (hint hint writers and shippers). In this episode, we discover that Troy has secretly been taking modern dance and Britta has been secretly taking tap. They're shocked enough to learn of the other's secret, but swear each other to secrecy that the rest of the group shouldn't find out. But Britta, trying to feel secure with her new hobby, comes clean to the group... Only to have them laugh and make fun of her. As usual. Troy, seeing this, quits dance and tells Britta that he refuses to be a dancer because it isn't manly. She's disappointed in him, but he redeems himself at the recital when she chokes up after seeing Jeff with his new girlfriend, Professor Slater. Uh oh...
Speaking of which, Jeff, now that it's a new semester and he's no longer Slater's student, has been casually dating her for the past couple of weeks, away from the study group's eyes. However, they're making out in the library one day and are found out. Surprise! Via Pierce's Twitter account, the Dean finds out and makes them sign a form stating that a student-professor relationship is occurring. But Jeff says they're still "just friends." Uh oh! He and Slater have an argument over their relationship status, in which Jeff tells her he's scared of commitment (woooow shocker), and she agrees to continue dating him. They attend Britta's (and eventually Troy's) dance recital, hold hands, and this is what causes Britta to freak out, because, hey, she never thought he'd have a girlfriend and since he does, it means he's kinda over her. Ouch. Still, he brings her a bouquet of flowers at the end of the show and they leave things on good terms. The ending shot is Abed tap dancing ridiculously. Love that guy.
The ending tag is amazing. Troy is doing a crossword puzzle and all of the answers are the names of the study group members. Just... genius.
What Was Great
~ The rap- "All my boys and all my peeps! All my boys and all my peeps! All my boys and all my peeps! Like to wear nightcaps when they go to sleep! Yeah!" Oh my god. I was on the floor. The entire song is hysterical. Best line, though- "I rotate my mattress like every week." HAHAHA.
~ The dance Troy does in class and the one he and Britta do at the recital. Fabulous.
~ The Dean's ratings. Jeff as number two, Professor "Seven" Slater hahaha.
~ All of Troy's breakaway clothing
~ Troy- "You don't get to talk to me like that! You are not Shirley! ... And Shirley's not my mom!"
~ Poor Jim Belushi taking a beating hahaha
~ "Whoopie flipping ding, Winger." Oh Slater. Sometimes...
~ "I've got Goobers! Anyone want a Goober? Get 'em while they're gooby!" - Queen Shirley at her finest
~ Hate to sound like a shipper, but I thought the end, with Jeff bringing Britta flowers, was adorable. Just saying.
~ The perfect tag!! "Helen of..." "Troy." "Oh nice! I've never even heard of that..."
What Wasn't So Great
~ Britta thinking tap dancing is embarrassing. Um, I take offense to that, Miss Perry.
~ Everyone making fun of Britta for dancing. GUYS. Dance is so awesome, you don't understand... If you haven't noticed, I'm a dancer.
~ Pierce at the recital. Holy shit. He reminded me of those people who talk through important scenes at the movie theater. Just... shut up.
I would give this episode an eight out of ten. Lots of dance, which made me happy, and I love Britta and I love Troy, so it was great!
1x15- Romantic Expressionism
Episode Rundown- This is the episode that shippers of all kinds love- the one where we realized "anything goes." Dan Harmon established this range of ages in the group so that no romantic pairing can be ruled out as ridiculous. Anyway. The episode is all about Annie crushing on Vaughn and when Britta reluctantly okays their relationship, the two begin to date, Britta gets jealous, and then she and Jeff team up to try and pair her with Troy. Yeah. It doesn't exactly work out well.
Jeff thinks Vaughn's bad news and Britta doesn't want Annie dating her ex-boyfriend, so they team up to get her thoughts back on Troy. When they present Annie as an option to Troy, Britta of course ruins things by telling him Annie's completely in love with him, or at least used to be. This inflates his ego, but is completely deflated when she raucously turns him down.They both get super angry with Jeff and Britta, causing Britta to get equally as angry with the fact that Annie's dating her ex. This launches Jeff into a speech about how they're an incestuous family; unlike a real family, there's nothing stopping any one of them from seeing another as a sexual prospect. Thus, they allow Annie to date Vaughn, because they'd prefer if she dated outside of their creepy circle. Oh jeez...
Meanwhile, Abed and Troy watch bad movies for fun and invite Shirley to come along. Pierce joins, too, and soon the four of them plus Chang (ugh) are watching Kickpuncher, possibly the greatest fake movie ever. Everyone makes jokes during the movie, but Pierce can't get a genuine laugh, so he hires a sketch comedy group to prepare for next time. When he presents his material to the group, they all are suspicious about his jokes' origins and Pierce angrily storms out. Before he can, he trips over the popcorn bowl and falls to the ground, producing, much to his happiness, the biggest laugh of the night.
The ending tag is Troy and Abed being Kickpuncher and Punchkicker. They film fight scenes and all before they have to film a sex scene. Meh.
What Was Great
~ "Turning it into a snake!" Oh my god. Can't even. I miss this Britta. The one who was smart and awkward. She was so believable... But we'll get into this at a different time.
~ Jeff and Britta in this episode- this is when they're at their best. Hatching schemes to bring others down is hilarious. Also, this was the beginning of the Greendale Parents. Awesome.
~ Kickpuncher. Just... awesome.
~ The return of Vaughn!!
~ Troy, on Vaughn: "Well... He's a baby."
~ Annie's Song. Just as genius as his other two songs.
~ Leonard: "Thanks for eating all the macaroni!" Jeff: "Shut up, Leonard! Nobody even knows what you're talking about! ... I did eat all the macaroni. It's messed up that he knows."
~ "I mark you as spam." "Who the hell is Pam?"
What Wasn't So Great
~ All the shipping feels ;)
~ Why is Chang hanging out with them...? Meh.
~ The tag was laaame.
I would give this episode a solid seven out of ten stars. Great dynamic and some really great lines!
And onward soon!
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