Onward, friends! We're almost into double digit episodes! These three episodes are very different; one involves the first of many forts, one involves Vaughn again (yay!!), and one is the beginning of Jeff and Annie. Ugh. Let's do this!
1x07- Introduction to Statistics
Episode Rundown- In the very first Halloween episode, a few things are established that will carry into the next year's Halloween episode- Britta dresses in animal costumes because she hates when girls use Halloween as an excuse to dress like a slut. Annie's the opposite and like to get a little more risque with her outfits on Halloween. Jeff only dresses in things that will make him look good. Pierce makes references to things he thinks are hip but which really went out of style twenty-ish years ago. Shirley dresses as one thing but everyone else thinks she's something else completely. And Troy and Abed dress as intricate characters and always get into character. Awesome.
So this year, Chang announces Annie is throwing a Spanish-themed Dia de los Muertos party and that anyone who shows up gets extra credit. Jeff denies going, saying the party "conflicts with the enjoyment of my life." He also gives Britta first right of refusal when he mentions he has a hot professor. Which is when we're introduced to Michelle Slater, the statistics professor who insists she doesn't date students. Shirley, who's finally taken off her wedding ring conveys her hurt feelings through pretending Britta's upset over Jeff and Slater, even though she couldn't care less, and Annie later convinces Jeff to come to the party through, what else? Crying. Pierce is also taking medication for what Abed calls his "going problem."
At the party, Jeff spends most of the time hanging around and irritating Chang about getting into the faculty party and, when he leaves to be with Professor Slater, Shirley and Britta go after him to make Annie feel better, because apparently the entire party is based around Jeff. Anyway, they get there, yell at Jeff a little, he yells back, and they leave, but even still Slater turns him down. Britta then finds Shirley in Slater's office, which she's ransacking, and then proceeds to tell Britta all about the issue with her ex-husband. Aww =( When we return to the party, Pierce is, as Troy states, "tripping balls." He's having a hell of a time on this ecstasy; hallucinating, meowing, and all kinds of other ridiculous behavior. He builds a tower out of study table furniture and only Jeff can talk him of it. But oh no! It collapses!! Good thing Abed-as-Batman was there to save him! Woo!
The tag, oh my god. Greatest thing ever. Troy and Abed are doing Batman voices and talking about a world made of candy corn. So weird but so, so funny.
What Was Great
~ This was Community's first holiday episode, obviously, and it proved how great they were going to be. I wasn't disappointed.
~ Everyone's costumes were hilarious.
~ The scene between Britta and Shirley in Slater's office was so beautiful <3
~ "Can I ask you something I've always wanted to ask the real Batman?" and all of the responses, both in the episode and in the bloopers.
~ "Pierce is tripping balls. He's touching people and acting weird. It's like Grumpy Old Men, but not hilarious!" and all of Donald's variations of this in the bloopers.
~ Abed's Batman monologue. So great.
~ The glorious tag: "That's one of my biggest fears. If I ever woke up as a doughnut..." "You would eat yourself?" "I wouldn't even question it!"
What Wasn't So Great
~ Isn't it obvious? Too much Chang ;)
~ Annie's little-girl tantrum. Come on. Your eighteen, not eight.
It was great! I would give it seven and a half out of ten stars. Great Halloween episode, but Season Two's was better. ;)
1x08- Home Economics
Episode Rundown- We find out that Jeff has been evicted from his condo and has been living out of his car, which is both hilarious and tragic (he has a soap-on-a-rope, come on now). But there is an A, a B, and a C-story going on here, so while Abed and Britta try to cope with a homeless, desperate Jeff, Annie's crush on Troy hits a low much to Shirley's chagrin and Pierce becomes the keyboardist in Vaughn's band (also: Vaughn's back! Yay!).
Jeff makes it very clear to everyone that he doesn't need pity and anyone who offers him help "will be mentioned by name in [his] suicide note." A little harsh, yeah? He shows Britta his condo, douchey Italian faucets and all, but as he does so, his car gets towed. He is then forced into the lesser of many evils- Abed's dorm room. But they end up having a great time together, Jeff makes a new friend (PAVEL!), and soon he's a little too comfortable "dorming it up" as Britta says. Britta steals his faucets from his old complex and gives them to him as a little push to get off Abed's couch and find a new place, which he does, but not without thanking his gracious host, Mr. Nadir.
Pierce decides to talk to Vaughn about his and Britta's failed relationship and though this goes about as well as you might expect, he becomes the keyboardist in Vaughn's band, aptly named "Some Worries." Cannot even. They write a song entitled "Getting Rid of Britta," which insults her obviously, and when she confronts them about it, Pierce unknowingly defends her honor and is booted from the band. Which, of course, leads to his own tribute song- "Pierce is a B." Oh Vaughn... Learn a new insult.
Troy on the other hand asks Annie for help wooing a girl he likes and because of her huge crush on him, she agrees. She comes up with a date for the two of them on the east lawn, lends him her grandmother's blanket, and even sets up the dinner they'll have. Then, instead of telling Troy how she really feels... She fakes appendicitis. No, it's cool Annie. I would've done the same thing. She storms up to Troy and Randi while they're on their date and takes her blanket back, telling Shirley, "I don't care what you think. For me, that was huge." Aw, Annie =(
The tag involved that rapper guy from "Some Worries" coming up with a ridiculous rap about Vaughn. Some of the best lines include: "Vaughn's breath is so bad his butt's mad at his mouth," "then he goes to school where he's stupid again and everybody hates him even all his friends," and "when you come after Pierce yo the battle is on. So this rap goes out to stupid Vaughn." Well played, Pierce. Well played.
What Was Great
~ Vaughn! Loved him.
~ "Getting Rid of Britta" and "Pierce You're A B" are amazing songs. Seriously. =P
~ Britta's "inspiring" speech after stealing Jeff's faucets. I thought it was a really cute moment. Also, the fact that he knew they were his: "I made this notch to mark the optimal cleansing temperature for combination skin." Like... what?!
~ "Move on with my life? Schmove schmon schmith schmy schmife!!" HAHAHA.
~ "Remember when you pretended to be my backpack?" "Ha ha, yeaaah. I'm funny." Lol oh Troy...
~ Abed's words of wisdom: "You can do whatever you want. You just have to know what that is." Just fabulous.
~ Pierce's line: "When I put on these jeans, my ass looks like a baby pumpkin!" Amazing.
~ PAVEL. "Heeeey bros! BREETA!" Love him!
What Wasn't So Great
~ The episode started with Chang. Blegh.
~ Troy's obliviousness. Dude, Annie has a GIANT crush on you! What in the world...
I would give this episode a nine out of ten. So hilarious and so, so many good parts!
1x09- Debate 109
Episode Rundown- Jeff and Annie shippers rejoice- this episode is like your heaven. The A-story is, obviously, the whole debate team storyline. Annie's a part of the Greendale Community College debate team (apparently only for this episode, because it's never mentioned again) and needs a debate partner and after quite a lot of bribing from the Dean, Jeff agrees to be her partner. Their debate is the ever-popular question- Is man inherently good or evil? Jeff thinks it's quite the joke and sings "Evil Woman" instead of preparing, but City College comes out on top. The gay basketball team (Not being derogatory here. They're literally gay) interrupts, but when they continue the next day, Jeff and Annie come prepared! They realize they're a great team, but Simmons, their rival, goes off book and throws himself out of his wheelchair and into Jeff's arms, saying, "He hates me, yet he caught me. Man is good." The audience cheers, but Annie thinks fast, kisses Jeff who then drops Simmons, and says, "He was horny so he dropped him. Man is evil!" And, obviously, Greendale wins.
Britta is trying to give up smoking and Pierce decides for the episode that he's a "dynamite" hypnotherapist so, to throw him a bone, she decides to give him a shot. He definitely isn't dynamite; he isn't even good. So he falls around and trips and stumbles while Britta lies on the couch pretending to be asleep. But he catches her one time and begins painting a picture of a threesome in his hot tub, which she angrily responds to, telling him she'd been awake the whole time. Pierce, obviously, is aware of this and tells her he's humiliated, but it turns out that disgusting mental picture is the only one Britta can picture when she thinks of smoking, so yay! Habit abolished!
And then there's Abed, who's making viral videos called "Community College Chronicles" that are based on the things that happen to him and the study group, with all of the same characters. Only he seems to be able to predict the future, since he posts videos of things two weeks before the happen. Eerie. He predicts Pierce will hurt his leg, Britta will make Troy cry, Jeff and Annie will kiss, and Shirley will be chased by a werewolf. Ridiculous. But they all come true. Well, maybe not that last one.
The tag is Abed filming look-alike Abed and look-alike Troy from CCC (Community College Chronicles) doing the Biblioteca rap and Troy freaking out because the aren't getting the essence. It was... meh. To say the least.
The tag is Abed filming look-alike Abed and look-alike Troy from CCC (Community College Chronicles) doing the Biblioteca rap and Troy freaking out because the aren't getting the essence. It was... meh. To say the least.
What Was Great
~ Britta's angry disposition when she's not smoking. "A doddering old fool tells a stupid joke and I crush his windpipe with my three-ring binder!" Laughed so hard.
~ "Little Annie Adderall." Poor kid. Felt bad for her, but it was still pretty hilarious.
~ "Jeffrey! Did you hear my last P.A. message?" "I hang on every word!" "I'm gonna assume that's sarcasm." "You'd be correct." "So you didn't hear it?" "I'm barely listening now."
~ "We're going to study, we're going to prepare, and we're going to win that debate!" "Really?!" "No! What am I, iCarly?" Oh my god, so hilarious.
~The gay basketball team. "Oh nice shot Bruce! That was a good try!!" HAHA.
~ The end where Jeff goes to shake Annie's hand and she tries to hug him, then they try it vice versa, and then she goes, "Just pat me." Hahaha!
~ "This is wrinkling my brain." "This is wrinkling my brain!" "THAT'S WRINKLING MY BRAIN!"
~ "By the way Jeff, I think your shirt's trying to get out of your pants."
~ "My colleague likened people to the purity of fallen snow. I would respond, 'There is none righteous. No, not one.' Now I realize Mr. Simmons' quote was from the great Franz Wickmeyer. Mine was just from a simple desert handyman... Named Jesus." Greatest line ever.
What Wasn't So Great
~ The emergence of Jeff and Annie blegh
~ Simmons annoyed me SO MUCH. Ugh.
I would give this episode and eight out of ten. Hilarious A story, but the B and C stories were both pretty blah.
More soon!
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