And we're back, folks! Life got crazy, what with working overtime and celebrating my 20th birthday and all, so my Community rewatch got delayed a bit, but we are back in action, Human Beings!! So the second season is just as fabulous as the first and everything got a bit more... weird. Onward, shall we?
2x01- Anthropology 101
Episode Rundown- So this is the first episode of the second season and Community doesn't beat around the bush- they immediately deal with the cliffhangers and drama they left us with in the first season's finale. They come back to school and magically, everyone thinks Britta's a hero for confessing her "feelings" to Jeff and they all hate him for standing her up. So, in typical Jeff Winger maturity, he announces in front of their Anthropology class taught by the incomparable Betty White that he's "in love" with her and the two share one of the grossest kisses I have ever seen on television. They enter a game of relationship one-up-ing (go with it) and Annie squirms and squeals with jealousy the whole time.
This goes on for a while before shit hits the fan in one of the greatest shit-hitting-the-fan scenes ever. Abed, forever in a quest to make things epic, suggests that Jeff and Britta get married, so they get "engaged," to which Shirley responds, "Thank the Lord you're getting married! I was so worried about your souls after you had premarital sex on the table!!" Well thanks Shirley, but no one knew about that. Anyway, everyone gets super pissed and they all yell at each other and break up the group. In Anthropology the next day, Jeff makes a winning speech about friendship and respect and Betty White tries to strangle him. Anyway, they're all BFFs again and life goes on! Yay!!
The tag is another "Biblioteca Rap" moment, but this time it's a rap about Anthropology. It actually helped me study for my own Anthropology final this semester, I kid you not. Not quite as epic as the Biblioteca Rap, but still awesome, especially because Betty White joined them!
What Was Great
~ The beginning shot of the group in all of their bedrooms. It was so cool to see the different elements and styles of the members!
~ OldWhiteManSays. 'Nuff said.
~ Jeff and Britta's relationship game. Proof that them being together would be a disaster...
~ The shit-hitting-the-fan scene. Priceless.
~ The wedding party, George Clooney impersonator, and the wedding song: "Now she's in so deep, you know she's such a fool for him! She's got a ring around her finger! And Abed hired an Irish singer! Britta's marrying, Britta's marrying, Britta's marrying Jeffrey Winger!!"
~ The adorable tag
What Wasn't So Great
~ Chang trying to be a part of the group. Like... no.
~ That anthropology kiss. Ugh.
I would give this episode a solid seven out of ten. Some great times and a good way, if not perfect way, of kick-starting the second season!!
2x02- Accounting for Lawyers
Episode Rundown- This episode guest-starred Rob Corddry and Drew Carey, so that in itself was awesome. Actually, I'll be honest- before this episode, I had no idea who Rob Corddry was. Anyway, this episode was fabulous because we got to see Jeff in his lawyer days and no, it wasn't done as some cheesy flashback. A coworker of his named Alan stops by Greendale for an NA meeting and invites Jeff- and Annie's boobs and no, I'm not talking about the monkey- to a little lawyer party they're throwing and because he misses it so much, Jeff decides to go, blowing off the Pop-And-Lock-athon the group has entered as the Heather Pop-and-Locklears. Clever, friends.
Anyway, Annie used to be addicted to pills, so she knows Alan from the NA meetings and knows that he's the one who turned Jeff in and got him fired. So the group heads to the party for proof and while Britta, Shirley, and Pierce embarrass themselves- and Jeff- in front of Jeff's old coworkers, Annie, Abed, and Troy find proof that Alan screwed Jeff over in one of the most amazing scenes ever. Anyway, they tell Jeff, he appears not to care, they head back to the Pop-and-Lock-athon and eventually, Jeff does too, because he now has leverage over that bastard-ass. They end up losing the contest because they're hugging on the dancefloor. No, really.
The tag is hilarious- Troy passes by a cartoon painting of Abed in a tunnel and believes it to be real, especially since Abed is telling him all the magical things that can happen in cartoonland and saying, "You have to believe Troy!" Just when it looks as though Troy's going to run head first into the wall, Abed pops out and tells him it's fake, Troy looks extremely disappointed, and Abed says, "I may have done some damage there." Hysterical.
What Was Great
~ The Dean's German outfit. Love his costumes!
~ "This is all I need..." "Excuse me, sir? You're all my friend needs!"
~ Hat club!
~ Alan was awesome. Odd, but hilarious.
~ The chloroform scene. 'Nuff said.
~ "Shirley, don't sue a stripper." "Why not?" "She's a stripper! Life sued her and she lost."
~ Jeff and Abed's "puppet" dance. So cute.
~ The endlessly hilarious tag.
What Wasn't So Great
~ That guy with the whole in his hand. Ew.
I would give this episode a nine out of ten!! It was so, so funny and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
2x03- The Psychology of Letting Go
Episode Rundown- This episode was.. eh. The A-story was all centered around Pierce and how he dealt with the death of his mother and the B-story focused on Annie and Britta raising money for the oil spill, which now feels like such old news, doesn't it? Anyway, Pierce's "religion" explains that when a person dies, their body or soul or something is vaporized and enters a lava lamp? I don't know, I was kind of unclear on that whole thing, but everyone this is, obviously, ridiculous. No one, however, as much as Jeff, who finds out he has high cholesterol in this episode and now wants to destroy everything Pierce loves. Eventually, he decides to bring Pierce- and Troy, randomly- to the county morgue to see his mother's body, but then Pierce finds a CD his mother recorded for him talking about the meaning of life and Jeff eventually realizes that no one lives forever, so you might as well make the most out of the time you're here.
Annie and Britta decide to raise money for the oil spill and completely leave out Shirley, who doesn't fail to notice this and makes hinting comments on it the entire episode. Anyway, they make a giant diorama, but their ways of going about getting the money are completely different- Britta rants, raves and shouts at the people passing by and Annie more or less tries to sell herself for the money. They have this HUGE and hilarious argument about their ways and the next day the fight turns physical. Annie bumps into the diorama, they get oil all over themselves, and wrestle in it. I see what you did there, Dan Harmon. Anyway, they make up and everyone's happy. Especially Duncan, who takes a photo with the slimy girls. Blegh...
The tag was as "meh" as the episode. It was Betty White explaining Inception to two Africans. At least I think they're Africans...
What Was Great
~ The cold open was pretty awesome. Troy crying is always funny.
~ Abed delivering a baby in the background
~ Annie and Britta's argument and then Shirley's comment "Yeah you're both sooooo different. Skinny bitches."
~ Britta's priceless impression of Annie
~Jeff: "Wow. You're both real downers. I can't believe I made out with both of you. Ugh."
~ Duncan. Too funny.
What Wasn't So Great
~ Chang. Any amount of Chang sucks.
~ Pierce. He was so annoying!
~ The tag
~ The episode in general
I would give this episode a six out of ten. The B-story definitely saved it, but any episode based around Pierce or Chang is never going to be one of my favs, sorry.
Okay, there's a start! We'll continue soon!!
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