Hey there guys! Just got home from work and realized my once-clean black shorts are now covered in sunscreen and pasta sauce. When- and how- did I end up messier than the kids? Who knows how these things happen, but anyway we're on to the next couple of episodes! Woo!! Also, I'm going to make the episode rundowns a lot shorter because they're the reason these posts are so long haha. Okay, onward!
2x04- Basic Rocket Science
Episode Rundown- I can't get over this picture lol. This episode is the Apollo 13 episode, in which Greendale tries to beat City College in a simulated space launch. Also, where the hell is Pierce in that picture? Sorry, I'm so scatterbrained. Anyway, Dean Pelton buys a space simulator and orders the study group to wash it in punishment for making their school flag an anus. Instead, they go inside and Abed says he needs a more appropriate outfit and leaves. Pierce bumps into the button that closes the door and suddenly the six of them are sealed in the space bus and being towed away from Greendale! Oh nooooo!! Yeah, so Pierce is super claustrophobic and has this mental breakdown and it's revealed that Annie is the one who called the tow truck and everyone's pissed off at her. But they get over it and return to Greendale on time for the launch and the Dean displays the anus flag yayyyy! The tag involves Troy and Abed pretending to fly spaceships. Funny, but meh...
What Was Great
~ The beginning with the group's slow walk
~ E Pluribus Anus. Perfection.
~ Pierce's tantrum. At times irritating, but also hilarious.
~ Troy being captain and the other four working with him like Power Rangers!
~ "Here, right next to the rest stop with three thumbs." "... Those aren't thumbs."
~ The themed episode. I love the themes <3
~ "You're right... Let's kill her."
What Wasn't So Great
~ Dean Spreck, of City College, freaks me out. Blegh.
~ Chang. Meh.
~ The tag
I would give this episode a seven out of ten. It's the beginning of the themed episodes and the show was still trying to find its niche with them.
What Was Great
~ The beginning with the group's slow walk
~ E Pluribus Anus. Perfection.
~ Pierce's tantrum. At times irritating, but also hilarious.
~ Troy being captain and the other four working with him like Power Rangers!
~ "Here, right next to the rest stop with three thumbs." "... Those aren't thumbs."
~ The themed episode. I love the themes <3
~ "You're right... Let's kill her."
What Wasn't So Great
~ Dean Spreck, of City College, freaks me out. Blegh.
~ Chang. Meh.
~ The tag
I would give this episode a seven out of ten. It's the beginning of the themed episodes and the show was still trying to find its niche with them.
2x05- Messianic Myths and Ancient Peoples
Episode Rundown- This episode... yeah. Unsurprisingly, it's regarded as one of the worst episodes Community's made and it's equally unpopular among fans. To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of it myself, but it's Community; I could never hate an episode. And I'm sure people did only because of the heavy religious content. So Shirley asks Abed to make a Jesus movie that's fun and hip for the kids at her church and he, of course, takes this way too far and decides to pretend to be Jesus. Yeah. Meanwhile, Pierce spends most of his time hanging out with the "hipsters"- nicknamed this because they're all so old they have hip replacements- and Jeff and Britta are his parents and outraged by this. Eventually, Abed realizes his Jesus movies sucks and Shirley hears him praying and smashes all of his cameras. And finally, Pierce gets into trouble and Jeff, his emergency contact, comes to his rescue. Meh. The tag involves Annie, Troy, and Abed dressed in the exact same outfit as Jeff and mimicking everything he says. Too funny!!
What Was Great
~ "Whoa, that's a lot of pasta for no veggies." "You're not in charge of what I eat!" "That's true. Britta!"
~ "Jeff! Britta! Pierce is smoking cigars!" Love Annie tattling like a little girl.
~ The songs that play when Abed and Shirley are on screen. "Abed, Abed, Aaaaaaaabed!" "Shiiiiirleyyyy..."
~ The Dean. Always funny.
~ "Hi, I'm Pierce Hawthorne's emergency contact." "You here to pick him up?" "No. I'm here to be removed as his emergency contact." LOL.
~ Leonard! Love him.
~ "Can you actually add Britta Perry as an emergency contact? P-E-R-R-Y. And could you give her a couple of calls a day? She gets pretty worried about him. Oh and she works days so make sure you call at night." Oh Jeffrey, you troll =P
~ The tag
What Wasn't So Great
~ The episode in general
~ Pierce's B-story
I would give this episode a seven out of ten as well. I didn't hate it like the rest of the fandom did, but it definitely wasn't my favorite episode. It had its moments though!
2x06- Epidemiology
Episode Rundown- This is the the infamous zombie episode, ladies and gents! It's a Shaun of the Dead-esque episode and easily the best of the three (so far) Halloween episodes this show has done. The Dean throws a Halloween party in the library (the sign outside reading "Welcome to the Liscary!" Amazing) and buys "taco meat" from an army surplus store that is really classified phoenix. It makes those who eat it exhibit flu-like symptoms and then turn into zombies. Ahh!! In the group, Pierce is first to turn into a zombie, followed soon by Rich and Britta, then Annie, and then Shirley and Chang. Jeff, Abed, and Troy battle a crazy cat in the basement before trying to escape, but only Troy makes it out when Jeff and Abed succumb to zombiehood. Troy has to make it to the thermostat to lower the temperature of the room and kill the virus and he just barely makes it, but all is restored as the army comes in and douses them all with some chemical that makes them forget this ever happened. The end! ... Or is it? Because the tag involves Troy checking his voicemail to find a message from Chang detailing his sexual encounter with Shirley. GASP!
What Was Great
~ Everything!! Except-
What Wasn't So Great
~ Shirley and Chang. Now that's just an all-time low, guys. Ugh.
I would give this episode a ten out of ten. It's amazing. The first perfect episode of the season, but certainly not the last.
More soon!
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