Hi there bloggers! It's the day before vacation and I have seven episodes to get through before the end of the third season. I haven't even packed yet and we're leaving tomorrow morning haha. It's all good- I'm almost done here! Without further ado, let's move forward!
3x16- Virtual Systems Analysis
Episode Rundown- Everyone seemed to love this episode, but to me it was just... meh. Annie decides to play matchmaker with Troy and Britta, which irritates Abed (and me) when the group gets the afternoon off from Biology. The rest of the group heads off in their own separate directions while Abed and Annie head home and play in the Dreamatorium. There, Abed simulates a bunch of different situations between himself and Annie and among the group. His inner most thoughts and worries are revealed which makes Annie worry for him and she is the one, this time, giving an inspiring Winger speech at the end of the episode. Eventually, they all return to the study room and the day continues. Theeeeeee end! Except for the tag, which is another installment of Troy and Abed in the Morning, this time with Annie as the guest! Great, great times.
What Was Great
~ "Three hour lunch? Three hour lunch? Three hour lunch?" I love when they say things three times haha.
~ "Troy, I know you love that ramp!" "You keep turning left but you end up up!!" LOL.
~ Abed acting as Troy and Britta. So funny. "That meal was dope and legit!" "I don't usually support lunch because it's unfair to breakfast."
~ "Right, I'm stupid." "Not stupid. Just less able to see what I see." Perfect line!
~ Troy's freakout- "I saw Abed's name in a file upstairs. I like butt stuff, I hate spiders. I stole a pen from the bank. I cried during About A Boy... the soundtrack. I don't wash my hands before a surgery. I use comparisons to Hitler to win arguments on the internet at the drop of a hat. I know nothing about wine. I'm more turned on by women in pajamas than lingerie- I just want to know they feel comfortable. I didn't get Inception!! I didn't get Inception!! There's just so many layers..." Brilliant.
~ "But we love Jeff!" "No we don't! We're just in love with the idea of being loved!!" HA. Suck that, shippers.
~ The hysterical tag
What Wasn't So Great
~ The Troy/Britta nonsense. I've already gone off on that tangent, so I'll leave it be.
~ Abed's freakouts. Once more, they're annoying.
~ Chang blegh.
I would give this episode a seven out of ten. It had its moments that were hilarious, but it was mainly just... eh.
3x17- Basic Lupine Urology
Episode Rundown- This episode's fantastic. It's Law & Order-themed and even though I've never seen that show, I get the gist. Basically, the group's assignment for biology class was to grow a yam (a yam named Pam, according to Troy and Abed), but when they show up to class they find their yam has been smashed. Professor Kane offers them a passing grade, which Annie cannot accept ("What, like a C? Well why don't I just get pregnant at a bus station?!") and instead she and the group act as a forensics team- and a very shoddy one, at that- to discover who killed their yam. Annie and Jeff team up as lead detectives/lawyers in training and lead Todd, their suspect to a tearful admittance even though he wasn't the one who smashed the yam. The real culprit, Fat Neil, is punished and everyone's thrilled! Then a call comes in- a meth lab exploded and Starburns is dead. Nooooo! They lighten things up, though, with the tag- Abed and Troy are going to sleep in the study room and Dean Pelton sings them ridiculous lullabies. Oh goodness...
What Was Great
~ Absolutely everything!!
What Wasn't So Great
~ Nothing!!
I would give it a ten out of ten! Fabulous!
3x18- Course Listing Unavailable
Episode Rundown- This episode focuses mainly on the study group after they've lost one of their beloved students... well, kind of. Starburns is dead and the Dean holds a school-wide memorial. Britta takes this event- a.k.a Starburns' death- as a chance to exercise her psychologist powers, or as the cast calls it, "therapizing." Everyone thinks she's the crazy one and they refute her efforts. Meanwhile, at the riot, everyone starts to realize that their school pretty much sucks and they destroy it in a massive riot. Afterwards, Chang and his army of twelve-year-old minions breaks it up and the study group has to sit before the school board, where they're all promptly expelled. Oh shit. Plus, Dean Pelton is kidnapped and kept in the basement under the school and replaced by a Moby look alike. Oh. shit. Then, the tag tells the memorial story of Starburns, as made by Abed. Cuteeeee!
What Was Great
~ "I know it's sad, but death is a natural part of life and by the time I finish this sentence, a hundred people will have died in China." "Why did you stop talking?! I have to call my pen pal!! ... Pai Mei? It's Troy. Are you okay? Okay, good. I have to go. This costs seven dollars!" LOL.
~ "As a psychologist-" "Student." "I hereby offer my licensed-" "Unlicensed." "Assistance as a grief counselor." "Grief causer!" "If anyone needs to talk, the doctor-" "Not even close!" "-is in!" Hahaha!!
~ Britta as Starburns. So funny.
~ "Come on, I'm Dean! And my hands are so clean! At this moment, I am stapling!!" Love. him.
~ "Great. I have to give more bad news to Jeff and his study group. Hold on, I have to pick an outfit... Who wants to dance?" Love this man.
~ "What Jeff's doing right now is called denial and it's the first of five stages of grief that ends in acceptance." "Name any other stage." "What are you, my final?" Love it.
~ "Greendale Seven- Jeff Winger, Annie Edison, Pierce Hawthorne, Britta Perry, Shirley Bennett, Abed Nadir, and Troy Barnes... You are hereby expelled from Greendale Community College. May God have mercy on your souls."
What Wasn't So Great
~ Chang and his army of mini minions. I don't know which one's worse.
~ Garrett singing "Ave Maria." Ugh.
~ The tag was very odd...
I would give this episode an eight out of ten. Enjoyable, yet not perfect, like the rest of the season.
Stay tuned! My last post of my Community Rewatch will be up momentarily!!
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